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How to show ads on specific label on blogspot post just like wordpress?

How to show ads on specific label on blogspot / post just like Wordpress?
Hi there, I have a problem here, because i often writing useless note due to lack of mood and lack of knowledge in writing it make my blogspot have so many post in low quality. And for some reason google won't allow me to show ads in that crappy blog without penalty. I think the best  solution is repair the so many post of mine. But how to repair such a huge number of post?
For the time being I searching in the internet and i found php script and compliant in blog. In simple language:
<?php if (condition category 'good english post')
show ads google, bidvertiser, chitika, adbrite or clicksor etc;;
} elseif ('crap post')
show ads local other than above such as ppcindo, adsensecamp, etc
And now I am already able to figure it out and convert the logic above to blogger language (xml) but because of my lack of ability in writing xml, I may only give you a little help;
Go to dashboard

chose Template and click EDIT HTML

Use shortcut in your keyboard CTRL + F and just try find this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
And right after the code write this:
 <b:if cond=' == &quot;specific label&quot;'>
<div class='adsense' style='float: right; margin: 3px 4px 4px 4px;'>
<!-- adse 300 x 250 here -->

Save the change, and don't worry, error prevent in blogger html editor nowadays is much better than before. But as for precaution you may copy all the script xml using CTRL+A and then CTRL+C to copy and paste them to notepad.
Good luck

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